Friday, December 27, 2019


December 24, 2019

I have a question. If the Economy is so sizzling hot why is this administration taking children off of free school lunches, medicaid and food stamps? Why is ICE not allowing children at the border to be immunized against, say, flu? Why is homelessness increasing? Why are safety nets being cut up and tossed aside? Why are rent prices skyrocketing across the country so that the “working poor” (an oxymoron) cannot afford to raise their children in a decent place to live? Why is unhealthy food cheaper than fruits and vegetables? How can so many people not afford the basic human right of health care and dental care? Why is it called a sizzling economy when it is not sizzling for every single person? Why are people more interested in their very own economic situation than removing an immoral, godless president from office? When did we become a nation of naval gazers?

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