Colors of Grief (for Epiphany & Fleeing to Egypt)
December 31, 2023
Debbie Blane
Ukraine Yellow & Blue, Russia tried to erase you.
Sudan Black with a slash through it. The word “Sudan” means BLACK. The slash is for killing a country that had just begun to thrive. Why? Why? Why?
Gaza Red. For the blood of the 21,000 (as of today) murdered. 11,000 children.
As far as I can tell, in my opinion, all of these deadly battles for land have been instigated by men.
For Ukraine, yellow and blue are the color of their flag.
Russia, with the demented Putin and his ego
And clouded
Has decided that Ukraine is actually
A part of Russia.
It doesn’t matter
What the people who inhabit Ukraine
For Sudan the color is black.
When I look at this land with centuries of scars
Bruised, bleeding, crying out in terror
I see black. Sudan of course is
The color black is, to me, nothing.
Once again two little boys…
Ever heard the adage
“the difference between the men and the boys
Is the cost of their toys”
The two little boys got hold of toys
That are far too expensive for their
(im)maturity level.
I can’t quite figure it
Who do they think they are going to rule
If the people are all dead
The land is scorched
The infrastructure
The cities leveled
Who the hell do they think they are going to rule?
Gaza. Hamas should have found a better way to call
To the world than carry out a despicable massacre
They should have tried to think things out more
I imagine that the 75 (or is it 70? I don’t care enough about exactthingsanymore to fact check it) of occupation
Of land theft
Of red spilled over the entire land
Might have made them go crazy.
I cry out too for the Israeli’s that were slaughtered
And then I also think about how
Netanyahu’s plans were supersized into
Action as soon as he saw a way to justify
Murdering the Palestinians
Leveling their cities
Scorching their land.
His plan includes moving the Palestinians from the
Of Gaza
From north to south
And from south he says, “this is a safe place to go”
And immediately starts bombing and bulldozing the
That he declared safe.
He wants them to run to Egypt.
Like the Nakba (the CATASTROPHE) of 1948 when the Palestinians were killed, threatened, chased off of their land of at least 2,000 years
To refugee camps in Jordan, in Egypt, in Lebanon.
This is his plan for taking over Gaza. For bringing back
The settlements
And creating a “blooming” Gaza because of course
Only the Israeli’s are capable of that..
This is true.
When the Palestinians
Are kept under the yoke of Israel
With every detail of their lives painfully controlled
Even the amount of calories that are allowed to go in
Through the controlled checkpoints.
Israel won’t do that to other Israelis.
They will allow the water to flow freely,
The checkpoints will probably be dismantled,
No more pesky Palestinians to control, to oppress
To keep the
Thumb on.
One of the things that breaks my heart most
Is that governments around the globe are not listening.
People in many countries are protesting
Streets are filled beyond capacity
Some families with up to 60 members
Have been literally
Because Israel has cut off water, food, electricity, internet, phones, every form of survival or communication with the outside world……the Palestinians do not know that the world
Is listening
And has heard their cries.
They do not know that we are doing the only things
That we know how to do
To try and save them.
Did you know that the United States has
Given a green light
To the carnage?
Ah, there is the fifth color.
While civilians weep
Donate money
And Watch & Pray
The U.S. government protects Israel’s right to self defense.
There are incredibly brave indigenous reporters
Who are getting news and videos out to the world
This is how we
About the slaughter.
Do you know it is against International Law
To bomb hospitals, schools, churches and mosques?
Israel has obliterated most of these
Because the wounded and the sick
Have gone to where they believed
That they would be safe.
It is hard to be safe in the face of an armed forces rifle,
Bombs and bulldozers.
And so my color red is being buried in mass graves
Where no one may ever know who is buried there.
I pray that the Jesus who would be born in the rubble
If he were born today
Will ultimately triumph
And the slaughter of the innocents,
Rachel crying out for her children
Because they are no more
Will end.
I know for certain that the God of Abraham and Sarah,
Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel (and the other three women wno were intimately caught up to him) is with the
Palestinians in the rubble.
God’s color is red.
And green. And white.
And Black.
And yellow.