Sunday, December 29, 2019

Antisemitism signals something deeper.

In light of the latest antisemitic attack in New York this morning I decided to repost this book review. Again, I highly recommend this book.

" There is a book that I read a number of years ago, during the same time period as my reading Dark Money by Jane Mayer. The book is by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. It is called : Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence. On page 70 he says the following: 'antisemitism is important because it illustrates more clearly than any other phenomenon the psychological and social dynamic of hate. It helps us understand what may be operative in human conflict over and above the normal clash of principalities and powers, nations and interest. Its return within living memory of the Holocaust signals more than a danger to Jews. It is, as it has always been, the first warning signal of a world order in danger of collapse.' I commend this entire book for reading by anyone who is interested in learning from the deep wells of wisdom from a Rabbi who is well read and intellectually well rounded. What we are in the midst of today in the United States is not normal. It is perilous."

Friday, December 27, 2019


December 24, 2019

I have a question. If the Economy is so sizzling hot why is this administration taking children off of free school lunches, medicaid and food stamps? Why is ICE not allowing children at the border to be immunized against, say, flu? Why is homelessness increasing? Why are safety nets being cut up and tossed aside? Why are rent prices skyrocketing across the country so that the “working poor” (an oxymoron) cannot afford to raise their children in a decent place to live? Why is unhealthy food cheaper than fruits and vegetables? How can so many people not afford the basic human right of health care and dental care? Why is it called a sizzling economy when it is not sizzling for every single person? Why are people more interested in their very own economic situation than removing an immoral, godless president from office? When did we become a nation of naval gazers?