Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I think I am possibly moving a little bit beyond denial and for this moment am understanding that life is not going to unfold as what I had envisioned at one point. I think I am also realizing that this is a grieving process, and it is not 😓going to be linear.

I am "getting" it. This virus has changed life as we know it. This is a grieving process and is not linear.😓

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 1, 2020 Ruminating

Three countries are on my mind. Sudan. A very sleepy me listened to a webinar on Sudan early this morning. Sudan needs international help. Now that the dictator Omar El Bashir is gone Sudan is hopeful that the designation of a terrorist country can be removed. Hong Kong. My heart aches for these people who are experiencing the loss of freedom. I am grateful that the United Kingdom is offering citizenship to those that are eligible. Taiwan is offering shelter, however, Taiwan might not be the wisest choice considering their close proximity to China and the relationship between the two. Palestine. With illegal support from 45 in the white house Israel is planning to jump on annexing up to 30% of Palestinian land. This is against International Law and the Geneva Conventions. From the beginning of this modern day and secular Israel the idea of having the country spread from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River has been a blueprint that was closely held by the leadership of Israel. Over the years since the 1948 al-Nakba, "the disaster," Israel has swallowed more and more land that diminishes the Palestinian children of God that live there. 45 is not the first of the problem, he is a disastrous latest piece that is causing Netanyahu to take bold steps in stealing land just in case 45 is not re-elected in November. One of the principle issues with the United States is that "we" consistently veto in the United Nations the steps that the rest of the global community would like to take. Stopping Israel in its tracks. Today is the day that the particular evil of annexation is slated to begin.