Monday, September 14, 2020

The Journey now includes learning about systemic racism, poverty, colonialism and climate change.


New blog entry. 



Okay.  I have decided that for now this blog will have a new focus.  I am learning about systemic racism and poverty, colonialism and even climate change and how all of these things are interwoven with each other.  I am also learning about antiracism.  I will share this journey in this blog and you are welcome to join me if you like.


In reading and in “attending” numerous webinars I have discovered some new ways that I am looking at the United States, North and South America, and even Europe.  Just this minute, as I started typing on this subject,  I realized that I must put in a disclaimer.  I am continuing to learn and I recognize that I am totally a student in these matters.  I also understand that teaching is something that appears to come naturally to me in the sense that it is something I enjoy very much.  I suppose that I can be both a student and a teacher at the same time, however,  I must emphasize that as I am still learning, I may need to make corrections to what I write.  As I make new, or different discoveries, I will do my best to share those with you and make my best attempt to share what has been corrected. 



In the United States the currently dominant people group is white, caucasion, of European descent.  This is how this group of people seems to be defined in questions on all kinds of forms these days.  As the Han are dominant in China….so it goes.  It seems to me that the dominant people groups in a country are usually descendants from the people that invaded a country in the past.  This would mean that people who were colonizers in the past, settled in the country that had been invaded, and grew in population size to become a larger group than the original inhabitants.


In the North American United States of America (also known as Turtle Island by indigenous people) we have Native Americans who were the first people on this continent as far as I have read.  Christopher Columbus thought that he had found India (he was way lost) and named the people he found here Indians…..but that really is not a correct name.  Indians are from India. 


Then we have black Americans, currently known as African Americans.  Primarily these are descendants of enslaved people that were taken by force, and without choice, from the continent of Africa, starting about 400 years ago.  They were brought to the Eastern shores of the North American continent and also taken to many other places along the way.  When I taught Theology and Bible at the Nile Theological College in Sudan and South Sudan I had students ask me why there are black people in Haiti.  I really dislike having to explain about the colonial and enslaving history of the United States to other people.  It causes me to be ashamed.  And I was.  However, those students launched me on the path of finding out more about migration, colonialism, etc.  Students are wonderful sources of questions that open up new vistas for learning.  Like the students in China who asked me why the United States was involved in the Vietnam war.  That too was an embarrassing one….


At any rate, we have 1.  Native Americans, 2.  African Americans, descendants of enslaved Africans and 3.  The group of people who are white, of European descent and thus descendants of the original colonizers of most of this country.  We also have 4. immigrants from other countries, and 5. refugees from other countries.  6. As well, as the United States expanded her territory to create a land from sea to shining sea, there was land that was appropriated from Mexico.  As it turns out I have read now about how Mexicans and “Americans” moved back and forth freely over the U.S. southern border for a long time because they had been doing that already for many years.  Until that changed.


I trust that as I go along in this learning journey I will learn more about people groups that live in the United States, and the reasons that they do.  I am going to stop here for now as this is long enough for a first entry.




Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Hurricane Katrina memory.

 15 years ago I was staying for three months at a guest house in East Jerusalem on the grounds of a hospital that served a Palestinian population. Everyday I saw Muslim women dressed in abayas and everyday I ate green olives in the hospital cafeteria. I was there with an international group as an EAPPI. Ecumenical Accompaniment in Palestine and Israel. I know this because I remember watching the news about Hurricane Katrina on the television with the other people in the group. I was horrified, gripped with sorrow and also mortified because this tragedy was occurring in my country; the country that at that time people looked up to. It is hard to have the failings of ones country splashed across the television set when one is with a group of people from all over the world. Now we've been living that for well over three years

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I think I am possibly moving a little bit beyond denial and for this moment am understanding that life is not going to unfold as what I had envisioned at one point. I think I am also realizing that this is a grieving process, and it is not 😓going to be linear.

I am "getting" it. This virus has changed life as we know it. This is a grieving process and is not linear.😓

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 1, 2020 Ruminating

Three countries are on my mind. Sudan. A very sleepy me listened to a webinar on Sudan early this morning. Sudan needs international help. Now that the dictator Omar El Bashir is gone Sudan is hopeful that the designation of a terrorist country can be removed. Hong Kong. My heart aches for these people who are experiencing the loss of freedom. I am grateful that the United Kingdom is offering citizenship to those that are eligible. Taiwan is offering shelter, however, Taiwan might not be the wisest choice considering their close proximity to China and the relationship between the two. Palestine. With illegal support from 45 in the white house Israel is planning to jump on annexing up to 30% of Palestinian land. This is against International Law and the Geneva Conventions. From the beginning of this modern day and secular Israel the idea of having the country spread from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River has been a blueprint that was closely held by the leadership of Israel. Over the years since the 1948 al-Nakba, "the disaster," Israel has swallowed more and more land that diminishes the Palestinian children of God that live there. 45 is not the first of the problem, he is a disastrous latest piece that is causing Netanyahu to take bold steps in stealing land just in case 45 is not re-elected in November. One of the principle issues with the United States is that "we" consistently veto in the United Nations the steps that the rest of the global community would like to take. Stopping Israel in its tracks. Today is the day that the particular evil of annexation is slated to begin.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Book review of The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

t feels like it has taken me months to slog through this book.. What I find hard to believe is that I finished it yesterday, Sunday May 31, 2020. There was an excellent Inside Story on AlJazeera yesterday which I watched twice to make sure I had actually heard things right. I had just finished a book that spent an amazing amount of time on the War on Drugs, the incarceration of young black men and a culture of racism in police departments. The female speaker talked about police departments and need for change in the culture in them. And protests around the United States were/are turning violent and the anger is response to the death of a young black man who was murdered by white cops. I am quite sure I have never had the timing of a book coincide so perfectly with current events.
It has taken me so long to read it because it is hard to read. Not reading comprehension. This has more to do with the subject matter. It connected with some of the recent books I have read. Democracy in Chains, Waking up White are two that come immediately to mind. Oh yes, and The Color of the Law.
Michelle Alexander, who wrote The New Jim Crow, shares that incarceration is the New Jim Crow because it continues to be a system that controls young black men and disenfranchises them for their entire lives. African Americans have been in prison for 400 years, since the ancestors of those who are alive now were dragged from Africa to North America. The name of the prison has changed is all. First it was slavery, after at least two reinventions of itself, a racialized form of control, it is now the prison system.
I highly recommend this book for anyone who has thought about "prison reform". Really, for anyone. To get through all of it requires some commitment. (less)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

May 6

Okay, I need some help trying to figure some things out. Community brain storming perhaps.
I am assuming that there are actually currently countries that are providing their citizens with a basic income each month.....and of course we are the only industrialized, developed country in the whole world who does not provide health care to every citizen and other person dwelling in our borders at a cost only through taxes. So, if other countries have had their economies fall apart as has the United States' do other governments manage to continue providing life giving and sustaining food/rent/health care to their citizens and others if they are not getting tax revenue either? Now it is true I am making a bunch of assumptions here that there are indeed countries with a basic income and that there are indeed countries that are continuing to provide essential services to citizens and others. Or perhaps the rest of the world is failing as heartily as is the United States.
I remember when I lived in China a student being very surprised to find out that the United States did not have universal health care. She said, "the richest country in the world does not have that?" I said that perhaps we are rich because we do not take care of our vulnerable.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Different lenses.

So here is the thing that I have been considering today and contemplating as unanswerable, and yet still important. I have seen/read in different sources (news, Sojourners magazine) recently that literally more conservative Americans are receiving a different version on their news sources (Fox, etc.) of what 45 is doing and saying. One might say (and yes I am saying) that they are not being told the truth. So what I have been thinking about is: if they were being told the truth, or that which mainstream media is laying bare, and they were to see/hear that it is different than that which their own usual news sources presents, would that make a difference to 45's base? So to take this further: what I am really trying to figure out is, if his base was exposed to what it is that mainstream news sources (CNN/MSNBC) are broadcasting, and that base was to realize that it is different from what their own news sources are broadcasting, would they question their own news sources? Or just believe automatically that the mainstream is biased against the president? Since I believe the mainstream version of things that I hear/read everyday would they do the same with their own sources, or would they be curious as to why things are different? Are there truly groups of people in the United States so different from one another that what I am unable to accept as acceptable is truly okay with another group? Like, what is going to happen in November? Am I going to be stuck living in a country with this president still in office because other people in this country find his stupidity and his lying and his immorality acceptable?

Friday, April 10, 2020

End of February in the hospital.....

This blog entry was written sometime in the last few days of February.  I was in the hospital with non-virus-related pneumonia.

As a dental strip that shows where dental flossing needs to improve – 45 is showing us the weaknesses in our system that must be addressed and remedied.

For that matter this is like the Law (OT) showing us our humanity and where we needed to change.

He is not providing healthy, vibrant leadership.  He is a tool in someone’s hands and his sole purpose is to fulfill a conservative Republican agenda for a white evangelical party that is breathing its last and will not yet let go – before it inflicts even more damage on an America that is new and different and longs for vision in a new direction.

As these two realities clash and as evangelicalism finally dies – we can pray that there are not too many pieces to put together a different whole.  Pray that we have been transformed but not shattered.

p.s., not every Republican is like 45.  I know one or two who have maintained at least a somewhat different value system.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

In My Opinion....April 5, 2020.

Blog April 5, 2020

In My Opinion….

IMO we are dealing with two major issues in this country, the USA, right now.
1.   A total lack of preparation for a pandemic even though there was a roadmap laid from the 44th administration. There is an excellent book called The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis.  In it he explores “the Trump administration’s botched presidential transition.”  Well, this is one of the things that was botched. 
2. A lack of understanding of a strong federalist system of government versus a Libertarian or decentralized form of government.  A lack of understanding of how the American government functions in the best interest of the people, and not the 1% at the top. 
3. Our health care system and our economic systems have both been laid bare.  We can see the utter dysfunction in both of them and how this country is geared towards the wealthy…I read somewhere that when the billionaires are calling for the economy to open up and people go back to work, it is because it is the people that continue to make this person rich.  It is their labor and nothing that the rich person is accomplishing alone.

1     1  And 2:  On the first point, I pray that 45 is voted out of office so that we can have a President come in that knows what he (and someday we pray a she) is doing, and actually cares about the people and not just lining his own pocket.  The work was done in the previous administration to work with a company and through that collaboration tools were created specifically to deal with a pandemic.  Machines that could make ventilators much more quickly than the conventional equipment.  The other thing that is vital that was worked on is making the Medical Face Masks n95 reusable.  This would have been a game changer at this moment in history, and it would have been a very economical move. 

We need a centralized Federal government that understands the flow chart.  Yes, many things are in the hands of Governors and Mayors.  Part of the reason we are the UNITED states is so that the Federal government can centralize the kinds of things that might have made this pandemic less powerful on our shores. 

It is beyond my comprehension how someone that occupies the oval office cannot be either so ignorant, or perhaps so lazy, as to see that it is the function of federal government to see to the production of things like ventilators, even if there are thousands of them and they sit in waiting for many years  .

I am realizing that some of what we are seeing is Libertarian principles in practice.  This is how things are supposed to work:  The federal government has the stockpile for the nation.  When there is a crisis the state governments are supposed to be able to request the equipment that they see as a reasonable projection of what they will need in order to care for the sick and not have to make ethically devastating decisions about who will live and who will die.  The ones who will die are the ones that are not chosen to have the life saving equipment.  When there is a shortage.  There are not supposed to be shortages.  State governments are not supposed to be competing against each other and driving the costs of production or acquisition higher and higher.  Governors have reported having orders made and paid for and having the order redirected to another entity.  Because the federal government has had such a lack of planning or being responsible for the federal work of preparation, this country is facing a horrendous death rate of our citizens.  And 45 is just cozy fine in his safe occupancy of the oval office.  It is not meant to be a safe house.

As I see it the Democratic party in our two party system believes in a strong federal government.  Government is a good thing and is responsible for the well being of every citizen in the country and around the world.  As well as having a global sense of responsibility for the world.  To who much is given, much is expected.  

In the Republican party there is a tendency at this point in history to see the Libertarian party principles as the best way to go.  Government  is not good, the less government intrudes into our lives the better.  A weak federal government and a strong decentralized government, as in the states and territories, is ideal.  The rich have no obligation to help the ordinary people which make up the much greater percentage of our population.

I think that the consequences are clear of believing in the decentralization of government, with the meaning that the federal government does not see itself responsible for the welfare and well-being of each of the states.  Instead the job of preparation is supposed to be totally left up to the decentralized government through the individual states.

Because the country does best when the federal government is active in procuring and planning, and 45 did not announce, we are going to do it my way, we are seeing the devastation that this has brought to the country.  Governors and Mayors are scrambling to project how much/how many life saving equipment (both for the patients and for the front line health workers) will be needed and trying to find those things not only in the United States but around the world.  

Which is why China now owns us.  China is sending us supplies which gives them the great pleasure of having the United States of America over a barrel, so to speak.

The consequences of this lack of understanding the role of the different parts of the government where the role of government is valued as the place that cares for people….things as small and as hugely important as food stamps, the safety net, these things are being destroyed by this government that does not believe that government is good.

And people are dying. 

First thing then is a total lack of preparation for the work that was ahead.  A total ignorance of the flow chart.  Caring about and concern for only the “base”.  Even passing legislature that will harm the very people who, through the flawed Electoral College, voted him into office, and his “base” is still by his side.

On the subject of health care and the economic system the false façade has been pulled off of them and we can all see them for the glaring ugliness that they actually are. 

We have a for profit medical system in this country.  It is a disgrace to have our health care operate in this way.  The people who are responsible to shareholders are going to choose
the cheapest way to do medicine so that instead of having money go to the care of the people, the money lines the pockets of the rich shareholders.

The system is dysfunctional to an extreme degree by not having universal health care that is available to every person, citizen or not, who presides in this country, as well as those that are visiting. 

With the coronavirus that we are dealing with now as a country it is laid bare that there are people who have no way to pay for time in a hospital to heal from this disease without becoming so debt laden that they will be under the shadow of that debt for a very long time.  Measures have been passed legislatively to have testing for the virus covered by the government.  If I have no health insurance and the test comes back positive, what then? 

Emergency rooms have a legal obligation to treat anyone who comes to their doors, and then the person without health insurance will be billed for the services.

We are a society with classes.  We tout ourselves as being equal.  And we are not.

This, the inequality, is also clear in our economic system.  I have come to realize that I agree with Andrew Young, former presidential candidate in the Democratic political
party.  He is calling for a basic income that every person, except perhaps the 1%, would receive in order to obtain a sense of security in their lives.  I have read again and again these last few weeks that it is a privilege to be able to stay home/stay well.  Because of how our capitalist economic system is set up we have people who work in industries that do not provide health care, do not provide sick leave, and do not provide a living wage.  For a huge percentage of people in this country.

The decision was made that as a country we would allow the economy to take a hit in a way that we have not seen since the Great Depression in the twentieth century.  It seems to be a totally dualistic decision.  Either we continue to live as we always have and watch the death rate from this virus probably go into the millions of citizens.  Or we try to save lives and “flatten the curve” to allow less people to get sick at once and not overwhelm the healthcare system. 

The healthcare system is overwhelmed.  Unemployment is now into the millions.  Our economy is being devastated, but more than that, many human beings are being devastated.  The light is being shined upon the deep, festering dysfunction in a way of life that privileges some, and has no regard for others.

And we have a president that claims no responsibility at all.  He thinks that the states should have been doing the work of the federal government.

Because of course government is evil and the less intrusion into the lives of the people, the better. Including dismantling Environmental Protection Agency acts that were put in place by the 44th administration when Barak Obama was president.  Protecting the environment is government intrusion. It also is not lucrative for the industries that continue to make the wealthy, wealthy.

Robert Reich has said something to the effect of:  we are in a system where the majority are not well financially but the millionaires and billionaires are flourishing excellently.

So this is In My Opinion.  We need to be a little more a Socialist Democracy.  The system has to function for the poor as well as the rich.

Right now it does not.


Thursday, March 5, 2020


Friends and Family;

It is time to ask for prayers for myself, as well as for many other people in the United States and around the world.

Some of you know that I was participating in a Migrant Trails Study Tour with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship in Central America and then at the U.S./Mexican border.

I arrived Feb. 15th in El Salvador and spent two days with a friend and her family that I had not seen in 14 years!  I met her during my Europe Year, 2006, in Northern Ireland on the North Irish Sea at a place called Corrymeela.  We have kept in touch through the years thanks to Facebook!

I joined the group of Presbyterians and others that I was to travel with on Monday the 17th of February and began the program with them learning about migration to the United States and the causes of it.  We were in El Salvador for several days before we traveled on to Guatemala by bus late in the day on ---------------.  I participated in the program for three days, including visit to CEDEPCA, a place that I have heard about for years and was wildly excited to finally see in person!  On the fourth day I came down with a bad cough and asked if I could be taken to see a doctor.

I was taken to a private hospital in Guatemala City.  The doctors there took blood and did a thorough workup on me.  The verdit:  a virus and pneumonia.  I had taken traveler’s diarrhea antibiotics a few days earlier and apparently the culprit was E-Coli, so the medication had not helped.  I admit being quite shocked about the pneumonia diagnosis. 

The doctor’s wanted to admit me to the hospital and I said that was not going to happen.  I would not be in a hospital in a foreign country where I didn’t know anyone and did not know the language.  Checking with the leadership team for the Study Tour the decision was made for me to fly out of Guatemala and home to Seattle as soon as possible.

I was taken back to the hotel and I got myself packed as quickly as I could.  It was unnerving calling the airline reservation line and undoing the reservations I had made with such hope not all that long ago, in order to reschedule by plans.

I was to leave the next morning for the states.  Sunday the 23rd of February I spent the day traveling.  I had help at the airport which was wonderful, checking in and getting a wheelchair.  I am so thankful that I made it home without incident.  I was coughing quite a bit and trying to keep it to myself, but I am certain it was irritating other people. 

I arrived at Sea-Tac, had help picking up my checked in carry on and found the woman who serves as a private taxi who got me safely home.  I was not home for long when my daughter drove me to the local Swedish hospital Emergency Room.  At that point I checked out okay and was sent home. 

The next day I simply did not feel well.  I wasn’t able to begin unpacking and putting things away (that still hasn’t happened).  My daughter again took me to the ER.  I had hardly grabbed anything on my way out of the apartment, not even my backpack.  I had a little pile of belongings with me. 

Apparently the chest x-ray they took in ER showed that the pneumonia was not diminishing.  I was admitted to the hospital that Monday night the 24th of February.  I spent the next several days hospitalized, gratefully, and was released last Friday the 28th of February.

I ended up having to take an Uber home from the hospital.  It was not a good experience and I hope to never have to use one again.

Since I got home there have been multiple and growing cases of the Coronavirus.  I began to hear of this new virus long before I ended up back home in my apartment with a case of pneumonia that is on the mend. 

This has been an anxious week.  The primary reason that this is so is because I am now in the High Risk group for catching and also dying from this virus.  I keep hearing that 80% of people will be fine, there is just a small group that will need hospitalization if they are inflicted.

I am now over 60.  This is one high risk criteria.  And I have a chronic lung disease.  Last November, 2019, I was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, known as COPD.  I am now in two high risk groups. 

I had not decided when to share this medical diagnosis with my Face Book friends; this now seems like an appropriate time.

I am in self imposed quarantine.  CNN just said that for people in self imposed quarantine it should be for at least 14 days. 

I have not seen my mail since February 14th.  I think I will have to request for the post office to hold my mail again, perhaps until the end of March.  I will not be able to vote in the Washington State Primary for president. 

I am waiting right now for a call back from a nurse at my primary care physician’s office.  I cancelled my one week check back appointment that was scheduled for yesterday.  After a discussion with someone in the office I decided there was too much risk of exposure to sick people.  Meanwhile I have realized that I do have some questions.

I would ask for prayers both for myself and for all of the other people worldwide who are in high risk groups and are experiencing anxiety over what will happen in the days and weeks to come.  Sojourner’s Magazine has a powerful article that is on-line right now addressing the inequalities that this illness is laying bare.  Loving Your Neighbor in a Time of Coronavirus by Jim Wallis. 

I am going to post this blog entry before I have had time to go back through it thoroughly.  I may at a later time discover typos!
Blessings to all who take the time to read this,

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Foreign Policy

So this is my take on this. 45 got out of a deal that was working with Iran to limit their ability to gain nuclear weapons. This because of his jealousy and resentment of President Obama. Then the 45th administration began to hamstring Iran’s economy in an effort to force them to negotiate a new deal since the perfectly good original deal was gone, poof. Then 45, probably under the influence of Pompeo who has wanted this for years, assassinated via drone a top Iranian military figure who was at the moment in neighboring Iraq. Thereby violating Iraq’s sovereignty. In a perfectly understandable retaliation for this action Iran sent middles to a base in Iraq where Americans are based. No one was killed. Now 45 is putting even more punishing sanctions into place against Iran in retaliation for responding to an assassination of an Iranian citizen. So 45 can kill someone anywhere he wants to and no one can respond to that action because he is all powerful. Right.

And 176 innocent individuals died...from my perspective due to 45's actions.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Struggling to make sense of those things that may never make sense.

I have spent some time listening to/watching CNN this morning. I am concerned by this administration's approach to Iraq and Iran. The two central concerns are: Iran is an ancient civilization, I believe that this is the Persian Empire that occupied ancient Israel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). The United States is less than 300 years old, at least the European invasion/occupation part of it...clearly the indigenous peoples have been here for probably thousands of years. 1. I am concerned by what I perceive as condescension on the part of this administration towards this empire with a long and proud history. 2. I am concerned by how I perceive that this administration thinks about Iraq, it's policies towards and concerning Iraq. If Iraq is a sovereign nation isn't it really and truly up to them if they choose to have foreigners like the United States on their soil or not? Why does this administration act as if Iraq has no choice? Is what we as a country are doing in the Middle East only for our benefit, or is it also a positive thing for the people and civilizations that we are rubbing shoulders with? I think that I am somewhat confused by this administration's willingness to totally interfere with what is going on in the Middle East and yet 45 threatens to take away desperately needed funds from Central America. I believe that according to Michael Moore's 9/11 the answer would be it's the oil, when it comes to the Middle East. I am still working all of this out in my heart and head.